
Yay! MacOS in 1680x1050 at last!

As I mentioned earlier, I am using an MSI 7950 GT with 512 MB on my new rig, and 512 MB have been well known to be incompatible with Titan/Natit and others.
That is, until gotoh figured out that the issue was in the nVidia BIOS itself.
A simple mod/reflash is all that's needed now to get a 512 MB GeForce card to be detected successfully in JasOS. Well, actually, that's was the easy part. The rest, if you're not that familiar with OS-X might be a bit confusing (and threads of more than 25 pages sure do not help!).
Here's how I did proceed to get Natit installed and my card recognised (on an existing installation of Jas OS 10.4.8):
  1. Flashed my Graphics Card following these steps
  2. Downloaded the Natit_Dual_v0.2 package from this page (which got automatically extracted by Stuffit on the Desktop)
  3. Copied over the content to /System/Library/Extensions with the command:
    sudo cp -R Desktop/Natit.kext /System/Library/Extensions
  4. Fired up "System Profiler" in "Utilities" (which you can access with Finder) and found that the Device ID for my Graphics Card was 0x0295
  5. Edited Natit.kext/Contents/Info.plist and change the IOPCIMatch section string to 0x029510de...
  6. in /System/Library/Extensions:
    sudo chown -R root:wheel Natit*
  7. in /System/Library
    sudo rm -rf Extensions.mkext Extensions.kextcache
  8. Rebooted and that was it!

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